Industry calls for policy consultation

Energy Networks Australia acknowledges today’s announcement by the Victorian Government to phase out gas connections in new homes from 2024. The decarbonisation of Victoria’s energy system, including its electricity, gas and transport infrastructure, is a complex issue with many moving parts.

Energy Networks Australia CEO Dominique van den Berg warned this decision is premature in the absence of a thorough and transparent process.

“It is critical to carefully consider, with the benefit of all stakeholder perspectives, the whole of energy system implications of significant policy decisions, including impacts on costs, emissions and the most vulnerable.” she said.

Ms van den Berg said Energy Networks Australia is keen to work collaboratively with the State Government and other stakeholders to ensure that the policy is fully understood and the transition to renewable energy is smooth, fair, and minimises unintended consequences for energy customers.

“We stand ready to participate in open dialogue and consultation, offering our expertise and perspective to help shape a balanced, sustainable energy future for Victoria and Australia more broadly.”

Media Contact: Jemma Townson | 0438 534 111 | 

Energy Networks Australia is the national industry body representing Australia’s electricity transmission and distribution and gas distribution networks. Our members provide more than 16 million electricity and gas connections to almost every home and business across Australia.