Smart carbon policy worth over $200 per year to customers

Smarter carbon policy could save Australian households an average of $216 per year, while meeting Australia’s 2030 carbon targets.

The Energy Networks Association (ENA) today released a final report by Jacobs analysing alternate carbon policy options, along with ENA’s proposed 7 Steps to Smarter Carbon Policy.

ENA Chief Executive Officer, John Bradley, said the analysis confirms that if governments focus on outcomes rather than picking technology winners, Australia can meet the same carbon target while saving customers $216 per year and achieving economic savings of $900 million. 

He said the call for technology neutral policy was no attack on renewable energy sources.

“If markets are allowed to work, each technology finds its efficient role. Jacobs saw renewable generation reaching the 33,000 GWh target by 2020 in all scenarios examined and continuing to grow beyond 2020,” Mr Bradley said.